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Monday, November 9, 2015

Top 10 of the Most Expensive Lawyer in the World

Lawyers and doctors have a very important role in our society. If on the one hand doctors save people from disease, then on the other hand lawyers resolve legal problems for us. Lawyers may not be stranger in the world, due to the rate of crime grows more and more in the world, so the service of the lawyer is needed more. Lawyers representing themselves as a lawyer and are always ready to provide their assistance. Here are the top 10 of the most expensive lawyer in the world.

Top 11 Country with too much Rape Case in the World

You would be surprised to know the countries with the highest rape crime rates in the world. Statistics of the unlawful sexual intercourse cases are growing every day. Those crimes also happen in sophisticated and highly developed countries around the world.
Rape has a lot of meanings, it varies in every nation. It can be defined as a sexual assault against a person without her/his consent and permission. It may be involving incursion, vaginal, oral and anal sex. A spouse can be finding guilty of marital rape if the person responsible use force to have sex lacking consent.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Largest Robbery and Stealing Case Ever Happened in the World

The Largest Robbery and Stealing Case Ever Happened in the World
Theft and robbery of an institution for example like bank or museums and too much spoil with it, in english interpreted as Heist. As we watch in some film commit robbery way it is not possible done. Theft as like this need a mature plan. But it turns out that stealing case not only happened in film. In this world has also theft was that removes funds to face fantastic. Following the largest robbery and stealing case ever happened in the world

Top 8 Killings Case by Artists Most Package

Top 8 killings case by artists most package.
This list adopt the a little different from that is that it is concerned specifically to celebrities who killed, or accused have killed. None of one of the entry here is a become a celebrity because their crimes, they are purely a celebrity who accused or commit murder.

8 Murder Case which is still Mystery in the World

8 Murder Case which is still Mystery in the World. The following is cases murder until now still a mystery in the world

8 Murder Case which is still Mystery in the World

Friday, October 23, 2015

8 Best Female Villains in the Worlds

Sometimes, we just heard that villains identic with a man which have a sixpack body or full of tattoes.
But in this case, the world had record the 8 female villains ever been.
Here they are :

1. Tao Jing (Team of big Drug Dealer)
She was lived in Yunnan, South China. She was 20 years old when she was arrested by cops Republic of China. In 1991, she was got punished of death. She was called Villain from the east.

2. Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw (Robber)
She was noted as big robber since 1970's in United State of Amerika.

3. Bandit Barbie (Bank's Robber)
Two bestfriend, Heather Johnson and Ashley Miller from Achworth city, Georgia, become famous with the most beautiful robber women ever. They were be a sexy dancer and talented in bank's robber.

4. Monique Awoki (Leader of blonde's gengs in Brazil)
She was popular with the real gangster, held be leader of thousand blonde women in Brazil. They had been brainwash by their leader to rob the rich mans in their country. They can be got $1500-$9000. Monique was arrested in Sau Paulo, Brazil.

5. Bonnie Elizabeth Parker (Robber and Chains Murderer)
With her boyfriend, Clyde Barrow, they often rob on supermarket or gas station. They didn't fear to kill their victims.

6. Stephanie Beaudoin (Thief)
She is 21 years old, from Kanada which is a thief and belongs illegal's weapons. while she was arrested, the police found any weapons from her car luggage.

7. Casey Anthony (Murderer)
Casey Anthony killed her daughter, Caylee, 4 years ago. But, she was got free because she is smart on spoken.

8. Amy Fisher (Murderer)
Started famous in porn actrees in 2007, she was an ex beautiful murderer when she was 17th. Fisher shoot her boyfriend's wife, Mary Jo Buttafuoco. She was jailed during 15 years. Fisher said that she done this because she was jealous with Mary Jo.

Yeah, they are the most 8 female villains in the world. Bye bye!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Profil Kampus

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer AMIKOM atau disebut juga STMIK AMIKOM adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yang berdiri di provinsi Yogyakarta Kabupaten Sleman. STMIK AMIKOM ini berada dalam naungan Yayasan AMIKOM. 

Img1 : Amikom Depan

Menurut pendapat saya, STMIK AMIKOM adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yang cukup bagus dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi. Mungkin usia kampus ini masih muda tapi dari yang saya lihat kemaren pada mata kuliah Etika Profesi yang lebih dikenal dengan Pelatihan Super Unggul (PSU) kampus ini telah melahirkan sarjana-sarjana yang telah siap kerja dalam bidangnya masing-masing. Perguruan Tinggi ini juga telah bekerja sama dengan beberapa perusahaan besar yang siap memperkerjakan fresh Graduate yang memiliki keahlian dan terampil serta kreatif. Terlihat pula dosen-dosen yang bekerja masih muda-muda. Dahulu, kampus STMIK AMIKOM hanya menumpang pada gedung depan di tepi Ring Road yang sekarang menjadi kampus STIKES. Kampus AMIKOM dulunya memiliki dua gedung yang terpisah, sehingga mahasiswa terkadang harus bolak balik dari satu gedung ke gedung lainnya bila jadwalnya berada di gedung yang terpisah. Setelah beberapa tahun kemudian kampus AMIKOM semakin besar dan dapat memiliki tanah yang dulu ditumpangi sebelumnya.

Img2 : Lapangan Basket
Img3 : Kampus Ungu 

Dimana AMIKOM memiliki Visi yang sangat keren, yaitu menjadi perguruan Tinggi Komputer terbaik di Asia Tenggara. Dan pula Misi mulia yaitu menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas global, produktif dan berjiwa enterpreneur, profesional dalam disiplin ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
Saya rasa suatu saat AMIKOM dapat menjadi Perguruan Tinggi Komputer terbaik, dan akan mencetak lulusan-lulusan hebat yang akan tersebar diseluruh pelosok Indonesia dan mampu membawa nama baik kampus.  Mungkin memang masih perlu peningkatan dalam bidang prasarana. Menurut saya pula letak kantin yang ada di AMIKOM kurang begitu memadai. Tapi sejauh ini fasilitas yang diberikan oleh kampus cukup baik. Laboratorium praktikum juga cukup memadai walaupun masih ada satu atau beberapa komputer yang  rusak. Lalu saya sedikit kecewa dengan letak toilet yang  begitu aneh menurut saya. Apalagi letak mushola yang berada di dekat toilet, itu sangat terlihat “kumuh”, sehingga terkesan tidak suci. Letak Masjidpun terkesan memaksa berada di lantai atas. Tapi disamping itu keamanan dan kenyamanan di kampus sangat begitu diperhatikan. Seperti pengecekan STNK bagi yang membawa sepeda motor untuk menghindari tindak kriminal. Lalu kesopanan yang dijunjung dengan aturan dilarang memakai kaos dan sandal saat memasuki wilayah kampus benar-benar mencerminkan etika kesopanan yang tinggi untuk mendidik lulusan yang pantas berseragam dan berdasi.

Mungkin cukup sekian pendapat saya mengenai STMIK AMIKOM dan semoga saya lulus tepat waktu dan menjadi ahli IT yang profesional dan kreatif tentunya. Aminn.