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Sunday, November 8, 2015

8 Murder Case which is still Mystery in the World

8 Murder Case which is still Mystery in the World. The following is cases murder until now still a mystery in the world

8 Murder Case which is still Mystery in the World

1. Jack the Ripper
The first mystery murder case is Jack the Ripper. The story of Jack The Ripper so famous because the case not revealed for centuries, until many people made the novels and film about it. The case happened in 1868 to 1898, when it happened so much murder of prostitutes in London. How to kill very sadistic, by strangling and cut an artery of his victims. Some part of the victim's body are also taken so make Scotland Yard police confused to look for guidance.

2. Jack the Stripper
The second mystery murder case is Jack the Stripper. Apparently the story of Jack the Ripper made motivation with similar murder in 1964 and 1965 .It is also in London , his victims in prostitutes too .There are 6 victims reported the whistle on him , all found after disposed to the river . No one can find out this case , so it can be the killer was dead bring mystery .

3. Olof Palme
The third mystery murder case is Olof Palme , The Swedish Prime Minister was dead shot on 28 February 1986 while coming home from the cinema .The strong suspicion he was killed for policies on the nuclear issue .Olof plans to remove all a nuclear device in Sweden .Till this date has not revealed who was behind a killer Olof .Whether his political rivals or intelligence agency ?

4. New Orleans Axeman
The fourth mystery murder case is New Orleans Axeman. It happens  when was found the mutilation bodies in New Orleans .His victims is a butcher and his wife who lived on top of a grocer Maggio . The killers used weapons an ax smeared with blood found in one of the corner house . A few months later , a man was found dead in swimming pool with the same condition .Curiously , the police can not uncover identity the murderer too. 

5. The Dead Boy in the Box
The fifth mystery murder case is the dead Boy in the box. In 1857 the body of a little boy was found in a box lying on the road northeast Philadelphia . What is heartbreaking , naked body and full of bruises .Locals people very angry for this accident . But nothing could be done the authorities find the murderer .

Murder Case which is still Mystery in the World

6. Oscar Romero
The sixth mystery murder case is Oscar Romero. Oscar Romero is a Catholic Priest in El Salvador. During his devotion, he contend for human rights while of war civil occurring in the country. Even with bold be critical of the government us that never help people on El Salvador. As a result, the Father Romero was slain with a gun from close range. None to ensure us who killed him, but news that develops him be eliminated forces "The Dead Squad" El Salvador.

7. Black Dahlia
The seventh mystery murder case is Black Dahlia. The most famous mutilated story from the west is the case of  "Black Dahlia". The victim identified named Elizabeth Short , 22 year old . Found on 15 January 1947 , and his case still open until now.

8. Marsinah
The eighth mystery murder case is Marsinah. Seems happened to 9 May 1993, when the body of Marsinah which was protested to Kodim Sidoarjo for her friends who is arrested, founding lying in a cottage in the fields near the hardwood woods,  Jegong hamlet, Wilangan village, Nganjuk district, East Java. Before unknown, Marsinah get involved in a strike workers of PT Catur Putra Surya, a watch company. After arresting of staff the company which suspected of being a murderer become raw back after they develop new testimony, that there is the military involvement.

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